Friday, September 10, 2010

Work Hard...? Oh well, I'll still play hard!

So, my three week German intensive is complete!  It wasn't terribly hard seeing as I only had class from 9-12 everyday.  And this included many field trips of course :).  But anyways I took my final this morning and now I have a 10 day break.  It's weird to think that I've been here for almost a month now.  And I haven't even started real class yet!  Tomorrow I'm heading to Budapest for four days with two friends.  After Budapest we are heading to Prague for another four days with a two day stop in Brno on the way.  I'm excited to see some sights!  I'll try to keep you all posted on this adventure, but I'm not sure how much internet connection I'll have for the next week.  I'll be sure to definitely post some pictures when I get back if I can't during.  Auf Wiedersehen meine Freunden!  Ich reise am morgen nach Budapest mit meine neu Freundinnen!  Ich schreibe einen Brief nach meine Urlaub wann ich zurueckkommen, ob nicht spaet ist!  (Translation:  Goodbye my friends.  I am traveling to Budapest in the morning with my new friends.  I promise to write about my trip when I return, if not sooner.)  see, I'm learning.    

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