Friday, August 20, 2010

Orientation - First Few Days in Austria

Mariazell from our Hostel
Well, here I am in Mariazell which is a small village in the Alps of Austria.  It is a pilgrimage site and is known worldwide for it's gingerbread and schnapps...both of which I can tell you from personal experience are excellent!  I met my group Thursday afternoon and we loaded the buses.  A two hour drive later through some of the greenest hills I have ever seen, we were in Mariazell.  We passed the cutest houses with window boxes in full bloom. 

Paddle Boat Fun
We had meetings in the morning and then the afternoon was always free for us to explore.  Thursday night, we played an Austrian trivia game for prizes.  The Governator was the answer that won me a Milka Bar (wonderful Austria chocolate).  Friday, I went with a group to Erlausee which is a lake.  Some friends and I rented a paddle boat and then jumped into the water in the middle of the lake.  The water was freezing!  We also hiked and just hung out by the water.  It was beautiful.  That night, we had an Austrian Folk dance group come perform for us.  This group of guys in Lederhosen danced and even taught us a few steps.  We had a true Austrian party!  Most dances include drinking of some kind as a tradition.  There was even an accordion named Hans.  He taught me my first Austrian drinking song. 
Saturday we explored Mariazell and got a tour of the church from one of our Austrian professors.  She explained to us how the oldest wood statue of the Madonna is displayed in the church and how this statue granted miracles to many rulers throughout the centuries.  My favorite part of the church was this room just full of candles lit for loved ones or in thanks.  It was so beautiful.  I lit a candle for my grandmother.  The town itself was so picturesque and charming.  I saw some wonderful dirndls (the tradition dress).  That night, we learned the Viennees Waltz.  I much prefer a polka....the waltz was too slow for me.

We left Sunday afternoon to head back to the city. From the U-Bahn station where we all met the first day, we all piled into taxis and left for our individual homes.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! You are off to a fantastic start! I am so excited for you. Way to keep your blog updated! Hopefully I can see some of these amazing things if I come :)
